
Cheer-Accident is an American indie rock ensemble formed in 1981 by Thymme Jones, who took the name of the band from a Hallmark Cards shopping display. With singer Jim Drummond and drummer Mike Greenlees, they began their musical journey. Known for their unique sound and experimental approach, Cheer-Accident has captivated audiences with their innovative blend of genres. Their music draws inspiration from various artists such as Koenjihyakkei, U.S. Maple, Colossamite, and many others.

Throughout their career, Cheer-Accident has established themselves as pioneers in the indie rock scene. Their distinctive style combines elements of progressive rock, avant-garde jazz, and post-punk to create a truly original sound. Led by Thymme Jones' creative vision and remarkable musicianship, the band continues to push boundaries and defy expectations.

With a discography spanning several decades, Cheer-Accident has consistently delivered albums that challenge conventional norms. Their music showcases intricate compositions, complex arrangements, and thought-provoking lyrics. Whether performing live or recording in the studio, *Cheer-Accident* never fails to deliver an unforgettable experience for fans around the world.


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