Orlando Weeks

Orlando Weeks is a talented artist who studied illustration at Brighton University. He gained recognition as the frontman of the acclaimed band The Maccabees before they disbanded. In September 2017, he released his debut book 'The Gritterman' along with an accompanying album. With his unique blend of music and storytelling, Orlando has captivated audiences around the world.

His musical style draws inspiration from a diverse range of artists including Bess Atwell, Katy J Pearson, Willie J Healey, and many more. Orlando's ability to create heartfelt and introspective songs sets him apart from other musicians in the industry.

If you're a fan of thought-provoking lyrics and melodic compositions, *Orlando Weeks* is an artist you don't want to miss. Experience his captivating storytelling through his music and immerse yourself in the world he creates.


Orlando Weeks
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Most Relevant
Album artwork for Loja by Orlando Weeks


Orlando Weeks

£12.99 - £26.99

Album artwork for Hop Up by Orlando Weeks

Hop Up

Orlando Weeks

£11.99 - £27.99