Max Jury

Max Jury is an American singer-songwriter originally from Des Moines, Iowa. He now resides in Paris, France. In 2016, Max released his self-titled debut album which featured the breakout hit 'Numb'. His unique sound has garnered him recognition and opportunities to tour with renowned artists such as Lana Del Rey and Rufus Wainwright.

With influences ranging from folk to indie rock, Max Jury's music resonates with a wide audience. His soulful lyrics and captivating melodies draw listeners in and leave a lasting impression. Max's talent as both a vocalist and instrumentalist shines through in his heartfelt performances.

If you enjoy artists such as James Vincent McMorrow, Roo Panes, or Rosie Carney, then Max Jury's music will undoubtedly captivate your ears. With his distinctive style and impressive musicality, Max continues to make waves in the industry and is definitely an artist worth keeping an eye on.


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Album artwork for Max Jury by Max Jury

Max Jury

Max Jury

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